Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A new addition to my finger.....

Since this is my first wedding blog post, you might think the title is just a cute way to announce my engagement. But, why announce something that happened 4 months ago?

This post is to actually introduce you to my new engagement ring.

Yes, you heard those words right. A new old implies an old one.

Some brides are two-veil brides. Others walk and dance in two pairs of shoes. Some are lucky brides with two dresses (their bridesmaids, the bustle-rs, are not so lucky...)! And I am a 2 e-ring kind of gal.

My former ring was a custom-designed three "stone" setting, with two rubies and a pearl. These unorthodox gemstones, were chosen for a variety of reasons, too many for this post... I'll save that for later. But let it suffice to say, the ring was beautiful and wonderful in symbolism and theory, but not so much on practicality.

By the end of two months, my pearl had already gotten knocked WAY off-center. I was so scared to wear it, extremely aware of how the pearl precariously held onto my size-4 ring, jutting out from my hand as I swung on the swings as a camp counselor. The jewelers were a 2-hr drive away, so my ring was "damaged" this way for two months more.

Furthermore, there were many issues with the color, the clarity, the prong settings, the adhesive, the sizing process, the jewelers, and people's reactions and comments. My fiance and I were at a loss as to what to do.

In comes extra summer savings, a GORGEOUS ring, and the desire to stay true to what we want, not what others expect from us.

My fiancee and I decided to purchase this ring one week ago, and since then, I can't stop admiring its sparkle and beauty.

(Please excuse the lack of props for ring-shots. Soon enough...)

My "old" e-ring will possibly become my unorthodox wedding ring, worn on my right hand, and thus I will have 2 rings... just not the 2 most people think of. But, Michael and I are happy, and so are our wallets, so, that's all that matters.

Did you have any mishaps in the e-ring process? Did you and your fiance look together?

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Whoa, the condition of your old ring put you in quite a unique situation. Your new ring looks very beautiful though! I love the color of the gemstone; it’s so pretty! I bet it sparkles even in the dimmest light.

-- Bridget Rossi